Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Branches Out of School is committed meeting the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 (EYFS). EYFS applies to all children from birth through to the end of their reception year. More information about EYFS is available from the Department for Education’s website.

The EYFS coordinators at the Club are Charley Evans and Jessie Watt who are responsible for:

The Club provides a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. The Club always follows play principles, allowing children to choose how they occupy their time, and never forces them to participate in each activity.

We recognise the four overarching principles of EYFS:

Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021): Before/after school care and holiday provision [3.41] and Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information for parents and carers [3.73] and The Learning and development requirements, Footnote 5, p7 *Please see attached form for consent